Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Obesity Epidemic Part II

Obesity is defined as having too much fat on your body. How did you get too much fat on your body? Have you paid attention to what foods you were consuming? Can you identify what foods are ‘bad’ for you? Have you thought about what you can do to change your situation? Do you know what you are doing to the bones and joints in your body having too much fat? Do you have any idea as to what you are doing to your heart?

Why do we have to be critically ill before we decide to rectify our situation? We can put a halt to obesity by putting forth an effort to do so. Once we have decided to put forth the effort to reverse our current situation with obesity, we must exercise patience and determination to get through this.

Stay tuned for further information regarding this topic.

Obesity Epidemic

Across this nation, obesity has become widespread. Child Obesity has gone rampant. But how did our children get to this point? What are the hidden reasons why our children are obese? Are we as parents contributing to the child obesity?

Somehow, someway we have to focus on our own weight situation before we can begin to focus on our children. A better scenario here is to focus on both – parents and children. We need to first determine what we are doing to create obesity. Once we have established the answer to this question, we can begin our attack to rid our families of obesity.